Stay At Home Supermom

Stay At Home Supermom

Monday, January 31, 2011

Stay-At-Home-Mom Mondays

No one really likes Mondays, there is very rarely something positive said about the dreaded day.  I'm a SAHM,  I don't have to go to work today, I should love Mondays; but I don't always like them.  They end a weekend of Brad being home, family time, church, and getting to do stuff by myself!
So this morning, instead of complaining, I'm going to give you my top ten reasons I like Mondays as a SAHM: (these are in no particular order)
1.  We typically have no where to be on Mondays.  We usually stay in our pajamas much longer then necessary, and Carson and Aden both cuddle in my bed while we watch the Disney channel.  
2.  Clean sheets.  Monday is my laundry day, most weeks.  It's not really my favorite thing to do, I despise folding it all and putting it away.  But I LOVE clean sheets. I love getting into bed when I know the sheets are fresh and clean!
3.  Planning and scheduling.  I love to be organized, I love to make lists, I love to mark things off of those lists.  On Mondays, I write out my "to do's" for the week, make my menu, and go over what all we have planned.  
4.  Playing.  Since Mondays aren't usually a busy day, I spend A LOT of the day playing on the floor with my kids.  (in my pajamas!)
5.  Recovery.  Weekends are busy and sometimes rough on little ones.  I like to call Monday our recovery days, because it usually takes a day to get Aden back to his normal sleep schedule and it gives Carson a day to recover before school on Tuesdays.  
6.  Rise and Shine Oklahoma.  I don't always get to watch the news every morning, I miss that! On Mondays there is almost always time to watch the morning news.  I like the national news but I love David Payne and Lance West on Rise and Shine Oklahoma.  They crack me up!
7.  Naps.  I like nap time everyday, but on Mondays I sometimes get to take a nap too! Niiiiice....
8.  Clean up from the weekend.  I like everything to be straightened up, I don't like messes all over the place, but on weekends I try to let go of my neurotic behavior and just enjoy the weekend with my family.  When Monday rolls arounds I put everything back in place.  The stacks of stuff on the kitchen counter get put away, the shoe and jacket collections are moved back to closets, and other odds and ends are straightened up.  
9.  Blogs and coupons.  I spend some time every Monday, going through my coupons, throwing away old ones, cutting out the ones from Sunday's paper, and catching up on the blogs I like to read.
10.  Ok, I can't think of a tenth all you get are nine reasons why I like Monday!  Hope you enjoyed! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that Rise and Shine (aka. David Payne and Lance West) was one of your reasons!
