Stay At Home Supermom

Stay At Home Supermom

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Very First Post

Welcome to the ramblings of Tara! I hope you enjoy reading my blog, and I hope that I actually follow through and stick to it!
Well, 2010 is over and we are on to a brand new year.  2010 was an extremely busy, challenging, life changing year for me and my family.  We started the year off with Carson in the hospital for 4 days with pneumonia, RSV, and croup; not to mention I was in my first trimester with Aden and miserable with morning (all day) sickness.  By spring it seemed we were all on the mend; I was growing wider, Carson was getting sick less often and Brad was looking for a new job while still working at UPS.  In June, I was in my last few weeks of pregnancy and Brad was moved to a new position at his job which made him more determined to find a new place to work.  Brad worked very hard in college to have his bachelor's degree and master's in Industrial Engineering.  UPS did not appreciate all his hard work and dedication and took advantage of just having another body in a management position.  His job kept him from family functions, put some strain on our relationship, and limited the time he was able to spend with Carson.  We continued to pray that a door would open and he would be able to find another job.
My due date for Aden was July 4 and since he was so nice and cozy, he decided he would not make his appearance until my actual due date!  I was induced at 7:30 in the morning and at 5:13 pm he entered our lives, all 8 pounds 2 ounces of him.  He was practically perfect and I was scared to death!  Who knew a healthy baby could be so intimidating! We brought him home at 2 days old, instead of 2 weeks old like his big brother.  Carson took on the role of big brother like a champ!  We had our ups and downs, and adjustments to make but he adapted to our new life with ease.  In August, Carson turned 3 and Brad flew to South Carolina to interview for a job at Michelin.  In September, Brad accepted a job at the Michelin plant in Ardmore that actually appreciates and allows him to use his degree.  It's amazing the difference in a man when he is doing what God made him to do.  We are so happy with the new job, new coworkers, and new boss.  They understand the importance of family and have made an effort to get to know us.
September also saw Carson starting preschool 2 days a week; he loves it!  He has learned so much and has become much more social.  When we pick him up from the nursery at church he says "I want to go see people."  Gee, who's kid is he???  I guess he gets that from me!  :)
In October, Carson had his 10th procedure/surgery. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed plus a cyst removed from his trachea.  One of the toughest surgeries/recoveries he has been through but what a difference it has made!  He sleeps through the night, eats better, and can breath better!  We are very thankful for Carson's superhero, Dr. Digoy.
The holidays were fun with two little boys.  Aden slept through most of the excitement but Carson loved everything about spending time with all of our family, seeing Christmas lights, eating, shopping, and learning about Baby Jesus.  He even had army men, Hot Wheels, and dinosaurs worshipping out our nativity scene.  I think he was a little confused though when he asked me if Santa was Jesus's Daddy.  By the end of December he had it figured out!
Through everything, Aden has been the most laid back, easy going little boy I have ever seen.  He eats well, sleeps well, and always smiles!  He so very rarely cries that we are surprised when he actually does.  He is easy to take places, he adores his big brother and he loves the sound of his own voice.  God has blessed us with both of our children but I think He knew we needed easy after how high maintenance Carson was.
Looking back over the past year, and really the past 3 years, I feel like I am more at rest and at peace then I have been in a very long time.  I am eager to see what 2011 has in store for me and my family; I believe God has some amazing things planned for us.  It's so nice to be able to enjoy my husband, enjoy my children, and not live in fear or wondering what bad thing will happen next.  God has brought me through so many trials, and I have been able to see His grace and mercy through each of them.  My faith has been tested and it has become stronger.  I know my faith will still be tested, and trials and temptations will still happen but God will allow those things to happen so I can continue to grow in Him.
How wonderful it is to start a new year with excitement, new goals, new hopes and at rest.

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