Stay At Home Supermom

Stay At Home Supermom

Thursday, January 13, 2011

For Sale, Cute Kids Not Included

So our house is finally going on the market, soon, as in by Monday it will have a for sale sign in the yard.  I am beyond excited about the prospect of moving into a newer, hopefully bigger, nicer home  but now that it is actually real, I might be having a little bit of a panic attack.
Beds will need to be made EVERY morning, most mornings this does happen but not EVERY morning.  Toys will need to stay picked up, laundry stay folded and put away, dusting done, no stray shoes or socks out of their place, army men and legos cannot be under foot.  Aaaahhh!  Can I stick a sign on my front door explaining to the potential buyers that I am typically a clean, organized person but that I have a toddler and baby living here?
I know we live here and we can't stop living here, but I would really, really like for someone to buy our house, and buy it for the price we are asking for it.  It's been a good first house for us; we moved in when I was in my 8th month of pregnancy with Carson...that's right 8 months pregnant! Oh, and Brad was out of town for work all the time! We might have been a little bit crazy!  Thankfully, we have awesome family members and friends who stepped in to help.  We painted, put in new carpet, new faux wood blinds, and some other new things along the way.  There are still some updating needs but we are praying the right buyer will come along who appreciates the things we have done.
I'm praying that I don't get overwhelmed and stressed out, thinking about keeping this house perfectly picked -up all the time.  I still want Carson to be able to play and have fun,  I still want to have lazy days in our pajamas.  I'm just hoping it goes smoothly and is as stress-free as possible.  I will keep you updated on how we are doing.  And if you know of anyone looking for a house, send them my way!

1 comment:

  1. Just keep it where it can be picked up in 30 minutes. It doesn't have to be perfect...just easy so that when someone calls you can say, "Give me 30 minutes to pick up and load my boys in the car." You are totally capable of this. You're too much like me not to be! Love you, friend!
