He has always had an interest in music, starting when he was a baby watching Baby Einstein, dancing to my mom's ringtone or a singing Christmas ornament at Granny's house.
Over the years, he has had countless musical toys, recognized songs from movies when he heard them other places (his favorite to hear was always from the Elf soundtrack), loved cranking up the music in the car, and of course shakin' his groove thang!
This past summer I asked him if he would like to take piano lessons. We had tried soccer in the spring and that did not go well. He did not like the games, he did not like running, and he always asked his coach if he could come out when he had just been put in the game.
Realizing he was only 4 and that it was his first attempt at a sport we didn't worry too much about it but did decide to take a break from sports for a little while. When the idea of piano came along, I thought it might be a good activity for him until we were ready for sports again...if he wants to play sports again. As we talked about it I told him he would have to practice and there would be lessons but he was eager to try. At this point I was so thankful to have an amazing pianist at our church who gives lessons, Ms. Marilyn. She told me that since he was so young, we would start at slow with very easy, beginners books. He was so excited to start.

What I love about Marilyn is she is incredibly patient with Carson, takes her time, and is so relaxed. This is the sign of a great teacher, a grandma, and an amazing woman!
Since his first lesson, he has had weekly practice, although we missed several due to sickness or busyness. He still loves to practice and loves going to lessons. He still asks for candy and of course Marilyn has it for him. One of his favorite things now is for me to drop him off instead of staying at her house while he practice. He thinks he is so big!
Along with his interest in music, at Christmas we bought him a Just Dance for Kids game for his Wii...I think piano has helped his rhythm because he's got moves!! It is hilarious to watch him shake his booty and his intense dance moves. So even though it doesn't really have to do with his piano recital, I thought I would share a video of him dancing
After Christmas it was time to really start practicing for his recital. I was nervous for him because sometimes he can get a little shy when he realizes people are watching him. He does great at home and loves to be silly and sing and dance for us but when we ask him to do it for someone else he almost always clams up. Marilyn and I both assured them that if he didn't want to do it he didn't have to and that it is ok to make mistakes or forget the notes. He played 3 different songs. The first 2 were a simple line of playing C, D, and E and the third was Jingle Bells. He did amazing. He loved watching the other kids play and LOVED that so many of his family members came to watch. He hammed it up very nicely while he played. He kept looking around at everyone and at the end of each song he turned around and to give me the biggest grin...melted my heart! Of course when he finished he turned around and bowed to everyone. He was so proud and so was I.
Marilyn says he has great potential and I am so glad he has found something he loves.
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