It's challenging to sit down and write a blog about amazing women when you have been hit with first, Carson getting sick and now Aden having pneumonia in both lungs! What a week! Carson is doing much better and yesterday when Aden started to cough a little and have a runny nose I just assumed he had a little cold from Carson. A few hours later....throw up in my hair and a boy with a 102 fever...I found out he was a pretty stinkin' sick little man. Aden has had a cold here and there but never been sick like this. It breaks my heart and I wish I could fix it for him. We are doing all we can and hopefully in the next day or 2 we will start to see some improvement!
On days like this, when I have sat with a 2 1/2 year old in my lap all day long burning up with fever, when I feel exhausted, helpless and overwhelmed, I am extra thankful for the amazing women in my life. My extraordinary woman from day 3 started out by blessing me this morning by offering to pick Carson up from school today! I nearly cried when I read her text...I think that was partially from being so tired though. I was so thankful to be able to stay home, not have to wake Aden up from his nap and let Carson have a little bit of fun by riding with Saydee and Lindsay.
So many of my extraordinary women have called me today to check on us and see if we need anything. I feel so blessed! I am very thankful for the awesome women I have in my life who love me and my kids and I know would do anything for us.
This afternoon, one of my favorite ladies called me. She is definitely extraordinary! I have watched her walk through trials and experience heart ache like I can not imagine and all along that path she has been faithful, committed, and obedient. Marilyn is an amazing woman. Over the past several months I have been blessed to get to know her better! She has been at our church for quite some time now but I never really got to know her well until she started giving Carson piano lessons.
Marilyn is someone that I admire and respect. She is a talented, kind, loving, giving, godly woman. She wants to help, she wants to be used, she cares and is compassionate. She is a great listener and encourager. She has so much Biblical knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. I love to hear her talk about the things of the Lord; her walk with Him is so natural and apparent. She loves her family, friends, and church. She is so committed to doing the things of the Lord and being obedient to His call on her life.
I am amazed by Marilyn. Her husband, LD, went to be with the Lord nearly a year ago and I have watched Marilyn and I have seen her continue to be faithful. She is such a strong woman and I would love to be more like her. She has had hurt, sadness, and countless numbers of feelings that I can not begin to understand but I see the peace of God all over her. She rests in Him, she rejoices, and she is an example to others.
I love how much my children love Marilyn. I love that she loves them. I am so glad they are getting to know her like I am. Her home is a place where I feel "at home" and comfortable. She welcomes people into her home and lets little boys kick off their shoes, run around, and have snacks. (there are piano lessons mixed in there too)
Marilyn , thank you for your obedience to God. Thank you for being faithful to Him. You are a great example to me and I feel so blessed to have such an extraordinary woman in my life. You live like Christ, He shines through you, you love like Him. Thank you for all you do and for living a life that is such a great example for other woman!
This is the life of a stay at home mom, her patient and loving husband, and her two crazy boys! She isn't really a supermom although she feels a little like a superhero when a day ends with laundry put away, nothing broke, no one cried, dinner was cooked and eaten, the kitchen is clean, and she showered! Let's be honest, that doesn't all happen most days! Here are her true life stories...
Stay At Home Supermom

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
12 Extraordinary Women ~ Part 3
It has been several days since I shared with you one of my 12 extraordinary women is not for lack of ideas but lack of time and energy. Carson became sick during the night Wednesday night and we spent most of Thursday, Friday and Saturday resting, coughing, doing breathing treatments, and starting all over again. Sunday he was on the mend and today was back to school and back to normal around here. He did come home from school exhausted today and in need of a breathing treatment but he said he was very glad to be back to school and that his friends all missed him very much!
All that to say, taking care of a sick boy took priority over my blog but today I am ready to get back into the swing of things with my 3rd installment of 12 extraordinary women who have no idea they are extraordinary.
Today, just like day 1 and day 2, I want to tell you about a woman who is godly, faithful, a servant, and a great example of the Proverbs 31 woman. These women are not the expected, obvious choices and because I have been incredibly blessed in my life, I have many women to choose from who have blessed my life.
I have a very dear friend in my life, she has been a part of it since the 3rd grade. Lindsay is my sister's age but even as a little girl she let me be a part of her life. She included me, loved me, let me share her clothes, and made me feel special. I will never forget spending afternoons at her house and her letting me try on her shoes, play with her stuffed animals, and her treating me like I was no different then the "older girls." That has always meant so much to me and made for some very happy memories for me. Over the past several years, Lindsay and I have become very close and I am so incredibly thankful to have her in my life. She is probably one of the happiest people I know. She loves life, she always has a hug and smile ready for you, she laughs and makes you laugh right along with her. She is Lindsay...she has never changed for anyone, what you see is what you get, and I love that about her. I admire her so much.
Lindsay has been a part of my life in very pivotal moments and she probably doesn't even realize it. The best advice I was given when I got married was from her. Some of the best conversations and words of encouragement I received when Carson was such a sick little baby were from her. She is honest but with kindness. She is helpful and willing. She has discernment and wisdom. Her phone calls always have come at the perfect moment, the words she shares have always been exactly what I need to hear (even if it isn't what I want to hear), she is a great friend.
Lindsay is a very godly woman...her love for the Lord and doing His will is evident in every area of her life. She motivates me and makes me want to do better. You don't have to look far to see Jesus in her, His light shines through her and all she is and all she does is because she is a servant of God.
She takes great care of her home, her husband, and her daughter. She is truly a Proverbs 31 woman. She honors her husband and respects him. She is raising Saydee in a godly home and teaching her what it looks like and what it means to be a child of God. She has a home that is beautiful, warm, and inviting. She loves her family, her church family, and her friends.
She loves others, the ones that are easy to love and those that are not as lovable. She makes people feel at ease and content. She loves like Christ. She goes above and beyond!
Lindsay is one that you could easily take for granted...she is always there, she will always do it, she is always willing, she is ever faithful. I pray that I do not take her for granted. I pray that I encourage her, thank her, and do my best to remind her often what an amazing woman I think she is.
I love how she loves God, I love how she strives to be better, I love how she is genuine and true, I love that she doesn't take herself too seriously, and I love that she is my friend and example.
Lindsay, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I love going to church with you, raising our children in the same church and school, having our husbands serve as deacons together, and just being friends. You are a tremendous blessing, not just to me, but to so many of the people you come in contact with. You are truly extraordinary, special, and unique! There is no one else like you and I'm so glad God gave you to me and everyone else in your life.
All that to say, taking care of a sick boy took priority over my blog but today I am ready to get back into the swing of things with my 3rd installment of 12 extraordinary women who have no idea they are extraordinary.
Today, just like day 1 and day 2, I want to tell you about a woman who is godly, faithful, a servant, and a great example of the Proverbs 31 woman. These women are not the expected, obvious choices and because I have been incredibly blessed in my life, I have many women to choose from who have blessed my life.
I have a very dear friend in my life, she has been a part of it since the 3rd grade. Lindsay is my sister's age but even as a little girl she let me be a part of her life. She included me, loved me, let me share her clothes, and made me feel special. I will never forget spending afternoons at her house and her letting me try on her shoes, play with her stuffed animals, and her treating me like I was no different then the "older girls." That has always meant so much to me and made for some very happy memories for me. Over the past several years, Lindsay and I have become very close and I am so incredibly thankful to have her in my life. She is probably one of the happiest people I know. She loves life, she always has a hug and smile ready for you, she laughs and makes you laugh right along with her. She is Lindsay...she has never changed for anyone, what you see is what you get, and I love that about her. I admire her so much.
Lindsay has been a part of my life in very pivotal moments and she probably doesn't even realize it. The best advice I was given when I got married was from her. Some of the best conversations and words of encouragement I received when Carson was such a sick little baby were from her. She is honest but with kindness. She is helpful and willing. She has discernment and wisdom. Her phone calls always have come at the perfect moment, the words she shares have always been exactly what I need to hear (even if it isn't what I want to hear), she is a great friend.
Lindsay is a very godly woman...her love for the Lord and doing His will is evident in every area of her life. She motivates me and makes me want to do better. You don't have to look far to see Jesus in her, His light shines through her and all she is and all she does is because she is a servant of God.
She takes great care of her home, her husband, and her daughter. She is truly a Proverbs 31 woman. She honors her husband and respects him. She is raising Saydee in a godly home and teaching her what it looks like and what it means to be a child of God. She has a home that is beautiful, warm, and inviting. She loves her family, her church family, and her friends.
She loves others, the ones that are easy to love and those that are not as lovable. She makes people feel at ease and content. She loves like Christ. She goes above and beyond!
Lindsay is one that you could easily take for granted...she is always there, she will always do it, she is always willing, she is ever faithful. I pray that I do not take her for granted. I pray that I encourage her, thank her, and do my best to remind her often what an amazing woman I think she is.
I love how she loves God, I love how she strives to be better, I love how she is genuine and true, I love that she doesn't take herself too seriously, and I love that she is my friend and example.
Lindsay, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I love going to church with you, raising our children in the same church and school, having our husbands serve as deacons together, and just being friends. You are a tremendous blessing, not just to me, but to so many of the people you come in contact with. You are truly extraordinary, special, and unique! There is no one else like you and I'm so glad God gave you to me and everyone else in your life.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
12 Extraordinary Women ~ Part 2
Yesterday I began a 12 part series of posts dedicated to women who have touched my life and made an impact on me. As a I said in my first post, these are not the obvious choices, the ones we all know that are extraordinary, who stand out in our minds...but these are the women who quietly, faithfully, steadily live extraordinary lives as servants of God. My heart and mind are so full as I think about all the women who have made an impact on my life. What a blessing it is for me to have the honor of knowing so many spiritual giants and Proverbs 31 women.
Today, in keeping with my Georgia girl from yesterday, I will continue on with a group of extraordinary southern ladies. As I said yesterday, I moved to Gainesville, Georgia in 1998 as a 16 year old...this kind of move is never easy for anyone, especially a teenage girl who had never known anything other than south Oklahoma City and her close knit family and church friends. When we joined our church in Gainesville, New Holland Baptist Church, I was in a little bit of shock. I had grown up at Graceway with a large youth group, a big building, and tons of people. New Holland was an old traditional southern church with a much smaller youth group. It took some time but I loved my new youth group, my church, and the people who went there. They truly loved one another, enjoyed being together, and had so much fun.
There is a group of women who were at that church that I would say are extraordinary. They are spiritually grounded, focused on doing the things of God, and living their lives by thinking eternally. Patra, Andrea, Janice, and Lauri are some of the many women who welcomed me and my family with open arms. They made me feel at home and a part of the "group". I loved how confident they were, how easily they had fun, and their amazing attitudes.
Through facebook I have been able to keep in touch with these women and am still incredibly blessed by their posts and the lives they are living. They are so faithful and love the Lord with all their heart. I feel honored to have known these women for nearly 15 years. (Can you believe it's been that long!?) I have watched them go through trials, hurts, and disappointments but I never saw them waiver. They continued on. I have seen them rejoice, celebrate, and experience new and unexpected adventures in life. Each of them love like Jesus. They love their families, their church, others, and display what it means to live for Christ.
You 4 ladies hold a very special place in my heart, I have incredible memories of spending time with each of you. Thank you for doing the will of God, thank you for loving others, and thank you for being an example. You are all faithful, consistent, joyful, loving, extraordinary women.
There are many ladies from New Holland who still mean so much to me, I could make a list that goes on and on. But you 4 ladies have touched my life even as an adult in ways you probably didn't know you would. I would like to be more like you! Thank you for investing a little bit of time into a sassy teenage girl with a big attitude. Thank you for still being a part of my life, I am so glad I can see Jesus in each of you! You have been a great example! Please know that you have had a part in making me the woman I am today...I hope I can make you proud!
Today, in keeping with my Georgia girl from yesterday, I will continue on with a group of extraordinary southern ladies. As I said yesterday, I moved to Gainesville, Georgia in 1998 as a 16 year old...this kind of move is never easy for anyone, especially a teenage girl who had never known anything other than south Oklahoma City and her close knit family and church friends. When we joined our church in Gainesville, New Holland Baptist Church, I was in a little bit of shock. I had grown up at Graceway with a large youth group, a big building, and tons of people. New Holland was an old traditional southern church with a much smaller youth group. It took some time but I loved my new youth group, my church, and the people who went there. They truly loved one another, enjoyed being together, and had so much fun.
There is a group of women who were at that church that I would say are extraordinary. They are spiritually grounded, focused on doing the things of God, and living their lives by thinking eternally. Patra, Andrea, Janice, and Lauri are some of the many women who welcomed me and my family with open arms. They made me feel at home and a part of the "group". I loved how confident they were, how easily they had fun, and their amazing attitudes.
Through facebook I have been able to keep in touch with these women and am still incredibly blessed by their posts and the lives they are living. They are so faithful and love the Lord with all their heart. I feel honored to have known these women for nearly 15 years. (Can you believe it's been that long!?) I have watched them go through trials, hurts, and disappointments but I never saw them waiver. They continued on. I have seen them rejoice, celebrate, and experience new and unexpected adventures in life. Each of them love like Jesus. They love their families, their church, others, and display what it means to live for Christ.
You 4 ladies hold a very special place in my heart, I have incredible memories of spending time with each of you. Thank you for doing the will of God, thank you for loving others, and thank you for being an example. You are all faithful, consistent, joyful, loving, extraordinary women.
There are many ladies from New Holland who still mean so much to me, I could make a list that goes on and on. But you 4 ladies have touched my life even as an adult in ways you probably didn't know you would. I would like to be more like you! Thank you for investing a little bit of time into a sassy teenage girl with a big attitude. Thank you for still being a part of my life, I am so glad I can see Jesus in each of you! You have been a great example! Please know that you have had a part in making me the woman I am today...I hope I can make you proud!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
12 Extraordinary Women ~ Part 1
Starting on Sunday, our church began an 8 week change up in Sunday School. We switched from our traditional classes to a handful of choices on specific topics. From college to older adults, we began our 8 week journey into the topic of our choice. Brad chose to go to the class, 12 Ordinary Men, based on the book by John MacArthur. I decided to attend the women's class, studying 12 Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. I was looking forward to the class, I have never read the book but had heard good things about it. I was also looking forward to the change of being in a class geared just at women and spending time with the wonderful ladies at my church. Our first lesson was about Eve and it was very good. I loved the things that John MacArthur had to say about her and the points that our Sunday School teacher (my aunt) brought out of the chapter. We all know the story of Eve, we blame her for all the horrible things that happen to us, but she was extraordinary! What an honor it will be in heaven someday to talk with her and ask her what it must have been like to experience God's amazing grace and compassion. I can not imagine the moment when her eyes were open to her sin and her innocence was lost...the guilt, the shame, the fear. But even in God casting them out of the garden, He showed mercy and grace. How great is our God!
While thinking about this book, these 12 extraordinary women, and how God used each of them I began to think about the extraordinary women in my life. I have been beyond blessed to know some pretty amazing women. I have family, friends, acquaintances, people from my past and present who demonstrate daily what it means to follow hard after God and be an extraordinary woman. Some of these women have no idea that they are extraordinary, some of them are just being obedient and faithful and don't realize that they are an example to others.
That is why I want to spend some time over the next several days recognizing some of the extraordinary women I have the honor of knowing. I could go beyond 12 very easily, I could give you the list of obvious ones, but I want to share with you some women who have touched my life that probably don't even know it.
So here is my first one, a friend from my past but who I creep on often through her blog. When I moved to Georgia in 1998, I was a sad, bitter, lost 16 year old walking into a new high school where I knew no one. That move from Oklahoma City to Gainesville turned my world upside down. I had lived a very sheltered, naive, comfortable life and suddenly I was thrown out of my protective little bubble into a brand new town where people have very thick southern accents and have been friends since the beginning of time and new girls don't come around all that often. So here I was, this new girl who people stared at but didn't really say much to and then came Christina! I am pretty sure she has NEVER met a stranger...I'm pretty sure I thought I had never met anyone stranger! :) But she was and is one of the most genuine people I have ever met. As a junior in high school I cared entirely too much about what people thought about me but she didn't care at all. She was silly, funny, loud, friendly and I never saw her unhappy. I secretly admired that even though I was "too cool" to admit it at the time.
Christina and her friends welcomed me to the school, were friendly, let me sit with them and took an interest in my life. I was so thankful for her during those first few transition weeks.
That first semester of our junior year was the only time we had class together, and sadly I moved on to other friends. But I will never forget and never stop being thankful for her smiling friendly face who made me laugh when all I wanted to do is cry and move back to Oklahoma!
Since becoming an adult and reconnecting with old friends through facebook, I discovered that Christina and I were having babies just a few weeks apart in August of 2007. She also was a great blogger and has an incredible way with words. I love reading her stories and I still can hear her wit and laughter over the funny things she posts.
Christina is happily married and is the mommy to 4 beautiful children (all under the age of 5!). I have read her blog since I found it and I am always excited to see a new post. Though many of her posts are sharing funny stories about her kids or the daily going ons of her life there is an underlying theme of her love for the Lord and her desire to instill in her children a desire to know Him more. I have watched over the years, through her blog, how she is raising children who love the things of God, who are being raised in an incredibly loving household, by two parents who are faithful servants of God. I admire Christina so much, and although she probably doesn't even know (until now) what a testimony she is to me I consider her to be an extraordinary woman.
She is a great example of a Proverbs 31 woman...she is raising obedient, loving, happy children; she takes care of her home; she honors and respects her husband; she is frugal and a good steward of their finances. I have read many of her blog posts and been convicted, encouraged, and inspired. I love that a woman who is a young mother is already such an amazing, godly woman who can be an example to others. So many times we only look up to older women who have lived longer lives, experienced more, and had more time to do things right. I have someone who I can look up to who is the same age as me and in a similar season of life as I am. Her posts on spiritual things and the things she and her husband are teaching her children are wonderful. She has so much wisdom and such an understanding of the things of the Lord. I would love to be more like Christina. I want to teach my children more about the things of God. I want them to see Jesus in me. I want to be patient, understanding, fun, loving, and a good homemaker.
What an honor and blessing it is for me to be able to keep up with such an amazing woman through her blog and facebook. I am thankful God allowed our paths to cross all those years ago and I am thankful that she has been ever faithful to the Lord and His call in her life. I look forward to the years to come and seeing how God continues to use her, her husband, and her children.
Christina, thank you for being my friend...I wasn't a very good friend to you but you hold such a special place in my heart and memories. I am so glad I am able to continue to peek in on your life from time to time through your blog and see what an incredible, steady, consistent, obedient, faithful servant of God you are. I pray that my post encourages you and that you know you are a great example to me!
While thinking about this book, these 12 extraordinary women, and how God used each of them I began to think about the extraordinary women in my life. I have been beyond blessed to know some pretty amazing women. I have family, friends, acquaintances, people from my past and present who demonstrate daily what it means to follow hard after God and be an extraordinary woman. Some of these women have no idea that they are extraordinary, some of them are just being obedient and faithful and don't realize that they are an example to others.
That is why I want to spend some time over the next several days recognizing some of the extraordinary women I have the honor of knowing. I could go beyond 12 very easily, I could give you the list of obvious ones, but I want to share with you some women who have touched my life that probably don't even know it.
So here is my first one, a friend from my past but who I creep on often through her blog. When I moved to Georgia in 1998, I was a sad, bitter, lost 16 year old walking into a new high school where I knew no one. That move from Oklahoma City to Gainesville turned my world upside down. I had lived a very sheltered, naive, comfortable life and suddenly I was thrown out of my protective little bubble into a brand new town where people have very thick southern accents and have been friends since the beginning of time and new girls don't come around all that often. So here I was, this new girl who people stared at but didn't really say much to and then came Christina! I am pretty sure she has NEVER met a stranger...I'm pretty sure I thought I had never met anyone stranger! :) But she was and is one of the most genuine people I have ever met. As a junior in high school I cared entirely too much about what people thought about me but she didn't care at all. She was silly, funny, loud, friendly and I never saw her unhappy. I secretly admired that even though I was "too cool" to admit it at the time.
Christina and her friends welcomed me to the school, were friendly, let me sit with them and took an interest in my life. I was so thankful for her during those first few transition weeks.
That first semester of our junior year was the only time we had class together, and sadly I moved on to other friends. But I will never forget and never stop being thankful for her smiling friendly face who made me laugh when all I wanted to do is cry and move back to Oklahoma!
Since becoming an adult and reconnecting with old friends through facebook, I discovered that Christina and I were having babies just a few weeks apart in August of 2007. She also was a great blogger and has an incredible way with words. I love reading her stories and I still can hear her wit and laughter over the funny things she posts.
Christina is happily married and is the mommy to 4 beautiful children (all under the age of 5!). I have read her blog since I found it and I am always excited to see a new post. Though many of her posts are sharing funny stories about her kids or the daily going ons of her life there is an underlying theme of her love for the Lord and her desire to instill in her children a desire to know Him more. I have watched over the years, through her blog, how she is raising children who love the things of God, who are being raised in an incredibly loving household, by two parents who are faithful servants of God. I admire Christina so much, and although she probably doesn't even know (until now) what a testimony she is to me I consider her to be an extraordinary woman.
She is a great example of a Proverbs 31 woman...she is raising obedient, loving, happy children; she takes care of her home; she honors and respects her husband; she is frugal and a good steward of their finances. I have read many of her blog posts and been convicted, encouraged, and inspired. I love that a woman who is a young mother is already such an amazing, godly woman who can be an example to others. So many times we only look up to older women who have lived longer lives, experienced more, and had more time to do things right. I have someone who I can look up to who is the same age as me and in a similar season of life as I am. Her posts on spiritual things and the things she and her husband are teaching her children are wonderful. She has so much wisdom and such an understanding of the things of the Lord. I would love to be more like Christina. I want to teach my children more about the things of God. I want them to see Jesus in me. I want to be patient, understanding, fun, loving, and a good homemaker.
What an honor and blessing it is for me to be able to keep up with such an amazing woman through her blog and facebook. I am thankful God allowed our paths to cross all those years ago and I am thankful that she has been ever faithful to the Lord and His call in her life. I look forward to the years to come and seeing how God continues to use her, her husband, and her children.
Christina, thank you for being my friend...I wasn't a very good friend to you but you hold such a special place in my heart and memories. I am so glad I am able to continue to peek in on your life from time to time through your blog and see what an incredible, steady, consistent, obedient, faithful servant of God you are. I pray that my post encourages you and that you know you are a great example to me!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Ticking the Ivories
Carson had his very first piano recital last Saturday and it was one of the cutest things he has ever done!
He has always had an interest in music, starting when he was a baby watching Baby Einstein, dancing to my mom's ringtone or a singing Christmas ornament at Granny's house.
Over the years, he has had countless musical toys, recognized songs from movies when he heard them other places (his favorite to hear was always from the Elf soundtrack), loved cranking up the music in the car, and of course shakin' his groove thang!
This past summer I asked him if he would like to take piano lessons. We had tried soccer in the spring and that did not go well. He did not like the games, he did not like running, and he always asked his coach if he could come out when he had just been put in the game.
Realizing he was only 4 and that it was his first attempt at a sport we didn't worry too much about it but did decide to take a break from sports for a little while. When the idea of piano came along, I thought it might be a good activity for him until we were ready for sports again...if he wants to play sports again. As we talked about it I told him he would have to practice and there would be lessons but he was eager to try. At this point I was so thankful to have an amazing pianist at our church who gives lessons, Ms. Marilyn. She told me that since he was so young, we would start at slow with very easy, beginners books. He was so excited to start.
At his very first lesson with Ms. Marilyn, he was more distracted by being at Mr. LD's house and asking Marilyn if she had candy.
What I love about Marilyn is she is incredibly patient with Carson, takes her time, and is so relaxed. This is the sign of a great teacher, a grandma, and an amazing woman!
Since his first lesson, he has had weekly practice, although we missed several due to sickness or busyness. He still loves to practice and loves going to lessons. He still asks for candy and of course Marilyn has it for him. One of his favorite things now is for me to drop him off instead of staying at her house while he practice. He thinks he is so big!
Along with his interest in music, at Christmas we bought him a Just Dance for Kids game for his Wii...I think piano has helped his rhythm because he's got moves!! It is hilarious to watch him shake his booty and his intense dance moves. So even though it doesn't really have to do with his piano recital, I thought I would share a video of him dancing
After Christmas it was time to really start practicing for his recital. I was nervous for him because sometimes he can get a little shy when he realizes people are watching him. He does great at home and loves to be silly and sing and dance for us but when we ask him to do it for someone else he almost always clams up. Marilyn and I both assured them that if he didn't want to do it he didn't have to and that it is ok to make mistakes or forget the notes. He played 3 different songs. The first 2 were a simple line of playing C, D, and E and the third was Jingle Bells. He did amazing. He loved watching the other kids play and LOVED that so many of his family members came to watch. He hammed it up very nicely while he played. He kept looking around at everyone and at the end of each song he turned around and to give me the biggest grin...melted my heart! Of course when he finished he turned around and bowed to everyone. He was so proud and so was I.
Marilyn says he has great potential and I am so glad he has found something he loves.
He has always had an interest in music, starting when he was a baby watching Baby Einstein, dancing to my mom's ringtone or a singing Christmas ornament at Granny's house.
Over the years, he has had countless musical toys, recognized songs from movies when he heard them other places (his favorite to hear was always from the Elf soundtrack), loved cranking up the music in the car, and of course shakin' his groove thang!
This past summer I asked him if he would like to take piano lessons. We had tried soccer in the spring and that did not go well. He did not like the games, he did not like running, and he always asked his coach if he could come out when he had just been put in the game.
Realizing he was only 4 and that it was his first attempt at a sport we didn't worry too much about it but did decide to take a break from sports for a little while. When the idea of piano came along, I thought it might be a good activity for him until we were ready for sports again...if he wants to play sports again. As we talked about it I told him he would have to practice and there would be lessons but he was eager to try. At this point I was so thankful to have an amazing pianist at our church who gives lessons, Ms. Marilyn. She told me that since he was so young, we would start at slow with very easy, beginners books. He was so excited to start.

What I love about Marilyn is she is incredibly patient with Carson, takes her time, and is so relaxed. This is the sign of a great teacher, a grandma, and an amazing woman!
Since his first lesson, he has had weekly practice, although we missed several due to sickness or busyness. He still loves to practice and loves going to lessons. He still asks for candy and of course Marilyn has it for him. One of his favorite things now is for me to drop him off instead of staying at her house while he practice. He thinks he is so big!
Along with his interest in music, at Christmas we bought him a Just Dance for Kids game for his Wii...I think piano has helped his rhythm because he's got moves!! It is hilarious to watch him shake his booty and his intense dance moves. So even though it doesn't really have to do with his piano recital, I thought I would share a video of him dancing
After Christmas it was time to really start practicing for his recital. I was nervous for him because sometimes he can get a little shy when he realizes people are watching him. He does great at home and loves to be silly and sing and dance for us but when we ask him to do it for someone else he almost always clams up. Marilyn and I both assured them that if he didn't want to do it he didn't have to and that it is ok to make mistakes or forget the notes. He played 3 different songs. The first 2 were a simple line of playing C, D, and E and the third was Jingle Bells. He did amazing. He loved watching the other kids play and LOVED that so many of his family members came to watch. He hammed it up very nicely while he played. He kept looking around at everyone and at the end of each song he turned around and to give me the biggest grin...melted my heart! Of course when he finished he turned around and bowed to everyone. He was so proud and so was I.
Marilyn says he has great potential and I am so glad he has found something he loves.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A Fresh Start
Here it is! ANOTHER attempt at blogging!
It's a new year, a new beginning, a chance to try again. So here is my attempt at becoming a blogger once again. I'm not sure how interesting it will be, I'm not sure how much I will have to say, but I wanted to try it again. I love reading other people's blogs and my life is just crazy enough to be worth a blog post from time to time.
I have a lot of friends minimizing things in their lives, focusing on making memories and enjoying the moments, and living more frugally! I want to do that too!
My goal this month is to accomplish several things...this might roll over into 2 or 3 months.
1st ~ I want to finish the photo books I started for the kids. I am 2 years behind on both of them and I really need to just sit down and finish them. I also want to finish my Project Life from 2011 and my Year in Review for 2012. I want to get all of my pictures organized, some printed off, and everything updated, neat and tidy.
2nd ~ I want to save money. I have so many little projects here and there I want to do but there never seems to be the money to do any of it. I am going to cut WAY back on the extras and the grocery budget so that I can save some of that money to go toward my projects and getting my house "finished". We have lived here for a year and a half and I am ready for it to be decorated and done!
3rd ~ I want to be more frugal with my money. I know 2 was to save money but even in the money I spend I want to be more careful and aware of what I am spending. I already coupon, but I could do better. I want to be a good steward of what God has blessed us with and I want to bring honor to Him with our finances.
4th ~ I want to create memories and have "moments" with my family. I want to remember that laundry can wait, that there will always be time for the dishes after they go to bed, that spontaneity is a good thing. I want to laugh, play, and have fun. I want Brad and I to spend more time together, dating each other, and talking to each other; remembering all the reasons we fell in love. I want to spend one on one time with both my boys. I want them to feel loved, cherished, important, and that they are a top priority in my life.
5th ~ I want to have a stronger relationship with God. I want it to be my absolute top priority. I want to learn, to grow, to challenge myself to go deeper. I want people to see Jesus in me! I want to love like Him. I desire more of Him and I want to think more eternally in my day to day life!
6th ~ I want to become more fit and focused on a healthy lifestyle. I need to drink more water and exercise. I want to make good decisions and take care of myself. I want to teach my children and to lead by example.
7th ~ I want to more consistently blog! :)
Here's to a fresh start and trying harder, being diligent and focused!! Let's see where this goes...
It's a new year, a new beginning, a chance to try again. So here is my attempt at becoming a blogger once again. I'm not sure how interesting it will be, I'm not sure how much I will have to say, but I wanted to try it again. I love reading other people's blogs and my life is just crazy enough to be worth a blog post from time to time.
I have a lot of friends minimizing things in their lives, focusing on making memories and enjoying the moments, and living more frugally! I want to do that too!
My goal this month is to accomplish several things...this might roll over into 2 or 3 months.
1st ~ I want to finish the photo books I started for the kids. I am 2 years behind on both of them and I really need to just sit down and finish them. I also want to finish my Project Life from 2011 and my Year in Review for 2012. I want to get all of my pictures organized, some printed off, and everything updated, neat and tidy.
2nd ~ I want to save money. I have so many little projects here and there I want to do but there never seems to be the money to do any of it. I am going to cut WAY back on the extras and the grocery budget so that I can save some of that money to go toward my projects and getting my house "finished". We have lived here for a year and a half and I am ready for it to be decorated and done!
3rd ~ I want to be more frugal with my money. I know 2 was to save money but even in the money I spend I want to be more careful and aware of what I am spending. I already coupon, but I could do better. I want to be a good steward of what God has blessed us with and I want to bring honor to Him with our finances.
4th ~ I want to create memories and have "moments" with my family. I want to remember that laundry can wait, that there will always be time for the dishes after they go to bed, that spontaneity is a good thing. I want to laugh, play, and have fun. I want Brad and I to spend more time together, dating each other, and talking to each other; remembering all the reasons we fell in love. I want to spend one on one time with both my boys. I want them to feel loved, cherished, important, and that they are a top priority in my life.
5th ~ I want to have a stronger relationship with God. I want it to be my absolute top priority. I want to learn, to grow, to challenge myself to go deeper. I want people to see Jesus in me! I want to love like Him. I desire more of Him and I want to think more eternally in my day to day life!
6th ~ I want to become more fit and focused on a healthy lifestyle. I need to drink more water and exercise. I want to make good decisions and take care of myself. I want to teach my children and to lead by example.
7th ~ I want to more consistently blog! :)
Here's to a fresh start and trying harder, being diligent and focused!! Let's see where this goes...
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