Stay At Home Supermom

Stay At Home Supermom

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

12 Extraordinary Women ~ Part 7

I had hoped that this series of posts would happen in a more timely way, closer together so that it all went smoothly and flowed from one to the next.  Clearly, that did not definitely can "get in the way" of sitting down to blog!  In case you have missed Part 1-6, I am doing a series of blogs about 12 extraordinary women in my life.  After doing a topical Sunday School class on the book 12 Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur I was inspired to tell you about some very special women in my life.  As I have said several times before, I am abundantly blessed to be surrounded by amazingly extraordinary women.  There are so many that you and I could list off quickly and obviously but my goal in this was to tell you something about the less obvious ones.  These are women who have impacted my life, who are a great example, and who follow hard after God.  They are doing God's will faithfully, consistently, and without much fanfare or attention pointed their way.  They are not always recognized and sadly not always noticed.  These are the women who I want to tell you about, the unexpected, extraordinary women.
Today is my 7th women in the series, she is someone who I knew as a young girl and then reconnected with just a couple of years ago.  She is several years younger than me but still such an example.  Heather grew up at Graceway as a little girl and until just a couple of years ago I had not seen her since she left so many years ago.  I remember she walked in one evening to church when I was working in the nursery, she filled out visitor cards for Haidyn and a couple of other kids she had with her, and we chatted for a minute.  I told her she looked so familiar to me and thats when I realized it was little Heather Wright all grown up!
I am so thankful that God brought Heather back to Graceway and that we have been able to become close over the past year or so.  Carson and Haidyn are the same age...exact same age...same birthday and everything! Eli and Aden are a year apart but Eli can hold his own with anybody!
I have loved watching Heather grow in the Lord, study His Word, and learn more and more what it means to be a godly woman, wife, mother, and friend.  She is probably one of the happiest, smiliest people I know.  She makes me laugh and just enjoys life.  I love her spontaneity and her outlook on life.  She is energetic, fun, outgoing, and full of life!
Not only does she have this fun, bubbly personality but she also loves the Lord with all her heart and she exemplifies Him in all she does.  I love her desire to know more, I love the questions she asks me, I love how she has written all over her Bible as she studies, grows, and learns.  Heather challenges me, she makes me want to do better, she motivates me to study more.  She lives out loud and shows Jesus to everyone she comes in contact with.  I have very seldom heard from her complaining, grumbling, or negativity.  She can see the positive in almost any situation.
Heather is faithful and obedient.  She follows what God commands for her life and is an example to her husband, children, family, and everyone around her.  She is following hard after God, she strives to be like Him, love like Him, and point others to Him.  She is a great example of an extraordinary woman!
Heather, thank you for being my friend!  I am so glad God brought you into my life!  I am beyond blessed as I watch you learn more and more what it means to follow God!  I love your love for His word and how you desire to be obedient and do His will!  I love that through challenges and trials you are faithful and consistent. You are learning and growing, and you don't give up or waiver.  You are a great friend and encourager.  Keep doing what you are doing, God will bless that!  I know He has amazing things in store for your life as you continue to become more like Him as an extraordinary woman!  I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I Am speechless and my heart is so happy tara!!!! I live you so much!
