Similar to writer's block.....I'm having blogging block! I have ideas, I think of fun things to tell you about, I start blogs and then I delete them. It's hopeless really!! I am so disappointed in myself, I was determined that I would really keep up with blogging, that I wouldn't flake out after a few weeks of hard core blogging. But here I sit, staring at the screen, thinking about how boring I really am and how my blog isn't nearly as awesome as some other's I know (ahem... :)
I think my mind has been so wrapped up with a hundred different things, that its hard to just focus on one thing to write about. I'll give you a recap of the past few weeks in my life....
*My birthday was last was awesome! :) I had lots of fun, I was spoiled, I went tee-peeing, and I plan on writing a blog about it eventually.
*We've been sick around here a lot lately, Carson and Aden kept passing crud back and forth. I get that it's nice to share and all, but seriously? I am tired of passing out Tylenol and kleenex!! We all seem to be well now so lets up it stays that way.
Finally feeling better! |
*We are looking at houses a lot and our house has been shown quite a few times. I found a house I'm in love with that Brad is going to go look at tomorrow. I'm really, really praying it works out!!
Come buy my house please! |
*All Carson talks about lately is "When I'm four ______ " His birthday is still 5 months away but he has big plans for becoming a four year old. One of which includes getting a dog....he's not getting a dog, unless they come out with a hypoallergenic one!
Getting way too big!! |
*Aden is growing up WAY TOO FAST! He's 8 months old and as adorable as ever. He isn't quite mobile yet which is fine with me but I can tell he's getting frustrated that he can't get where he wants to be. He gets up on all fours and scoots backwards and then gets mad at himself. It's pretty cute.
He's not naked, I promise! |
* Brad and I are looking forward to some new opportunities to minister and I can't wait to share with you about that.
I just like this picture of us! he he! :) |
*I'm feeling very convicted lately about contentedness, and about looking more at laying up treasures for eternal life than focusing so much on material things. I've been thinking a lot about the fruit of the Spirit and how much it is actually evident in my life and what I can do to bear more fruit. I want God to be evident in my life and I want my focus to be on bringing glory to Him.
*I miss Georgia....there is something about my birthday that makes me really miss my friends in Georgia. Those two short years I lived there were some of the best times in my life and I wish those relationships were still as strong as they used to be. On American Idol a few weeks ago, several of the contestants sang "Georgia On My Mind." There is a good chance I teared up everytime!!
Lauren, Amanda, me and Sara |
*I am totally loving being a "crazy coupon lady!" I am saving big bucks and having a lot of fun doing it!! (By the way, I bought two bottles of Pledge Multi-surface and two bottles of Fantastik for $1.48 at CVS but with the Extra Care Bucks I got back, they essentially paid me! )
One of my most recent shopping trips |
*I'm's 9:34 pm and I'm ready for this is your update for now. Goodnight!!