*March ~ Carson's sleep study and the last thing I blogged about….he did great and has no sleep apnea! We celebrated Easter and Rumble joined our family!

*April ~ Just a pretty ordinary month…school, church, adjusting to our new furry member of the family, getting ready for summer
*May ~ Carson' graduated from kindergarten, Brad and I celebrated 8 years of marriage, and Oklahoma experienced 3 very devastating days of tornadoes on May 19, 20, and 31. Life changing, heart breaking, unbelievable time in our lives.
*June ~ continued tornado relief, Vacation Bible School, and beginning on a journey called Restore Moore: Project Teacher
*July ~ Consumed by Restore Moore: Project Teacher, a much needed family vacation to the beach, and my baby boy turned 3
*August ~ Carson turned 6, started 1st grade, and had surgery number 13 (so much for it being our first year of no surgery)

*September ~ Aden started preschool two days a week, and we wrapped up Restore Moore: Project Teacher
*October ~ We wore Red for Rylee, met the Duggars, had a Fall Festival, and my kids both had croup
*November ~ Thanksgiving, Carson lost his first 2 teeth, and we went to our first Thunder game.
*December ~ Busy busy busy! Christmas, snow, shopping, no school, family time, FUN!
Whew! I didn't know I could sum up 9 months in such a short amount of words! 2013 was quite a year with many unexpected experiences, life changes, and countless blessings. God proved His faithfulness over and over again. There were lows and highs, there was overwhelming sadness and indescribable joy. It was a year of new friendships, new experiences, and very special moments. I feel thankful and blessed as we begin 2014, and I look forward to seeing what God has in store.
One goal I have for myself this year is to start blogging again. I love to write but sometimes life just gets in the way. I am hoping to do better and to spend a little time blogging, writing, and sharing the moments in the life of the VanHauen's!